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Retail store performance. Data-driven and

Optimize profitability through better use of workforce and actionable insights for your operation. Achieve tangible results in less than 2 months.


Key questions in brick-and-mortar retail?

Together we find the right answers.



Conversion rates


How many visitors leave my store as paying customers? What is my revenue potential as a result of below-average conversion rates?


Revenue effectiveness


What is my revenue effectiveness over the course of the day when looking at revenue per visitor?



Service quality


What is my quality of service, depending on visitors per workforce in use?



ForecastOptimizations ? Visitors Conversionrates ? Ø Ø ? ?8:00 21:00 5 Customers Visitors ? Workforce Service quality Actual March 18March 19 March20Performance report
Sensor measuringsystem Point of salesystem Time and attendancesystem … Workforce Visitors Customers




How we maximize customer value -

our mission and service.


We ensure a better use of workforce in brick-and-mortar retail through demand orientation and continuous optimization. We work data-driven and use the latest technologies and applications. At the same time, the focus is on people and their challenges. Our service and packages base on the following four points:





Performance reports



We deliver key figures in a dashboard to support decision-making and continuous optimization.



Demand drivers and shift plan


We forecast visitors, revenue and other demand drivers, calculate the workload and plan shifts.



Consulting and support



We do interviews, facilitate workshops and give presentations to understand problems and challenges.



Technologies and applications


We install 3D sensors to collect data from visitors and combine them with other sources in one platform.






But why just now?

Why together with Optimes?


Even before Covid-19, profitability was one of the biggest challenges in brick-and-mortar retail. Your workforce is your most valuable asset and has a great leverage on it. With our core competence, together we unlock this often underestimated potential and win multiple times. This is even more important with the increasing importance of online retail.





Biggest challenge: Profitability



Profitability as one of the biggest challenges in brick-and-mortar retail*


* according to interviews with retailers (food and non-food)



Underestimated potential: Use of workforce


Better use of workforce as an often underestimated potential with high leverage on costs* and revenue


* according to surveys, workforce costs account mostly between 25 and 50% of total costs


Alexandr Uzunov


Complex and workforce-intense operational processes are our domain - for more than 10 years.


Alexandr Uzunov

Founding member and managing partner,



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Unlocking potential together and win multiple times?


Our core competencies are the planning, steering and optimization of complex and workforce-intense operational processes. We bring a broad experience from the airport environment. For more than 10 years, we have been active at Zurich Airport as well as internationally at other airports on 5 continents - also in management positions.





Success stories from customers

who challenge and trust us


We are driven by a passion to continuously optimize and together maximize customer value. Partners and other organizations support us in this.






By using key figures such as revenue per working hour, Optimes has created real value for us.


Georgios Kontoleon

Founding and management board member, Impact Hub Zürich


Learn more (German only)


Value-creating with key figures in  performance reports


Optimes has added real value for us. With key figures such as the realized revenue per working hour invested, we were able to react more quickly to the drop in guest numbers. In the context of the second wave (Covid-19), our revenue at Kraftwerk Café & Restaurant collapsed to half in just a few weeks. With Optimes, we are also constantly looking into new rosters for our service workforce in order to cover the workload that occurs as good as possible. My team and I are very much looking forward to working together in the future.




Impact Hub Zürich



Finding the right answers together?


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Optimes GmbH

c/o Impact Hub Zürich Association

Viaduktstrasse 93-95

8005 Zürich


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© 2021 by Optimes

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